The Living Science Center in Arlington, TX!

This place is pretty neat. All of the education without those high admission charges or "donation requests". If everyone is ready, let's get started! I hope everyone packed a lunch 'cuz this is gonna take a while.

We'll start with the inside, where as you can see, Tuesday afteroon is like the perfect time to avoid those annoying crowds of kids and teachers.

Here we see a rattlesnake...

...a tarantula...

...and a crayfish. Glad to see they're in captivity...WHERE THEY BELONG.

If you'll follow me outside, we'll do some exploring and really see what Mother Nature has to offer...besides bites and stings!

This...may have been a project started by the man of the cabin and never finished. Can you imagine that? A man not finishing something he started? Wild, I know!

Maybe the "Blair Witch" crew had a kind of dry run here before they filmed it up north. Eh, I doubt it.

Looking down we see a big ol' creek with not too much water in there since in Texas the rain is like the Easter Bunny...we know it's out there but darned if we ever see it.

Just up ahead is a big bridge where you can see...more of the creek...good times.

Look, a gift shop! What are the odds that something that is free to do would have a way of charging people? Overwhelming, right?

And...finally...everything you ever wanted to know about soil! Let's all take a moment and ponder what soil has done for us...okay, that's enough.