"The Fort Worth Zoo!"
Well, it had been over a year since I last posted an entry on this site, which personally affected...no one? No one ever comes to this site! I wonder why. It's a virtual plethora of useful information featuring some great places to see and fun things to do, most of which you do not need a lot of money. But, seeing as how no one could care less if this site was around or not, I shall move on.
The Fort Worth Zoo was opened in 1909, so the 100th anniversary is not too far away! Maybe they'll do something to recognize this milestone, like...chasing the bees away.

Here we are at the ticket booth! It costs $10.50 to get in, plus $5 for parking, plus $8 for kids over 4. Cheap? No. Expensive? Yeah...

Why must we segregate the rhinos?
Why can't we have racial harmony in our major metropolitian zoos?
We have a miniature replica of the way Texas used to look like before civilizationtook over.

Someone call for a livery? For those of you who didn't grow up during the Gold Rush, a livery is where horses were kept and tended to. Kind of like a kennel, but without the pampering.

Zebra 1: "Hey, you think they'll ever let us out of here?"
Zebra 2: "We look like ex-cons man...of COURSE they'll let us out of here! Ha ha!"

Man...some people should be so lucky to have their own treehouse plus free rent. Actually, some people probably do.

"Gorillas...in the mist...all we are is gorillas in the mist..."
(sung to "Dust In The Wind")

Did you know giraffes have the highest cholesterol level of any mammal? Plus they get the most sore throats of any animal. Boy those "Uncle John Bathroom Readers" are starting to pay off.

Parrot: "Sqwawk! Wanna know how we stay so blue even out of our natural habitat? Bawk! THEY SPRAY PAINT US!! I'll pierce the next guy who starts shaking an aerosol can."

Cheetah: *yawn* "Yeah, we're the fastest land mammal...now we enjoy a more laid back lifestyle...wanna see us run? OPEN THE DOOR!"

And finally, what trip would be complete without loading up on some authentic safari supplies! Hmm...wonder if Dr. Livingston needed BLUE BELL ICE CREAM before he went on a trip.
The Fort Worth Zoo was opened in 1909, so the 100th anniversary is not too far away! Maybe they'll do something to recognize this milestone, like...chasing the bees away.

Here we are at the ticket booth! It costs $10.50 to get in, plus $5 for parking, plus $8 for kids over 4. Cheap? No. Expensive? Yeah...

Why must we segregate the rhinos?
Why can't we have racial harmony in our major metropolitian zoos?
We have a miniature replica of the way Texas used to look like before civilizationtook over.

Someone call for a livery? For those of you who didn't grow up during the Gold Rush, a livery is where horses were kept and tended to. Kind of like a kennel, but without the pampering.

Zebra 1: "Hey, you think they'll ever let us out of here?"
Zebra 2: "We look like ex-cons man...of COURSE they'll let us out of here! Ha ha!"

Man...some people should be so lucky to have their own treehouse plus free rent. Actually, some people probably do.

"Gorillas...in the mist...all we are is gorillas in the mist..."
(sung to "Dust In The Wind")

Did you know giraffes have the highest cholesterol level of any mammal? Plus they get the most sore throats of any animal. Boy those "Uncle John Bathroom Readers" are starting to pay off.

Parrot: "Sqwawk! Wanna know how we stay so blue even out of our natural habitat? Bawk! THEY SPRAY PAINT US!! I'll pierce the next guy who starts shaking an aerosol can."

Cheetah: *yawn* "Yeah, we're the fastest land mammal...now we enjoy a more laid back lifestyle...wanna see us run? OPEN THE DOOR!"

And finally, what trip would be complete without loading up on some authentic safari supplies! Hmm...wonder if Dr. Livingston needed BLUE BELL ICE CREAM before he went on a trip.
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