The Log Cabin Village in Fort Worth!!

Welcome, welcome to the Log Cabin Village!! This excursion was especially fruitful because it was more then just a trip; it was a trip back in time, complete with blacksmith and ye olde musicians, plus the steep admission fee waived (we saved $6!).

Musicians: "Are you ready to rock!!"
Us: "Um, yeah, I guess..."
Musicians: "I can't hear you!! I said...ARE YOU READY TO ROCK!!"
Us: "Yes! We already said that!"
Musicians: "Ah, you're a beautiful crowd..."

Girl: "Who wants to jump through the hoop? Anyone? Do it or I'll whip ya with my stick!"
Us: "Hmm...this is not as much fun as I had anticipated."

Blacksmith: "Ya see this gun I made here? Ya see it? I just made this seconds ago!"
Us: "Um, excuse me, but isn't it still hot?"
Blacksmith: "It's extremely hot!"
(awkward silence)
Blacksmith: "Any other questions?"
Us: "How old are you exactly?"
Blacksmith: "Um...I'm not sure...alright, that's it! No more questions!"
Moving on...

Teacher: "This is a genuine schoolhouse from the 1800's. Any questions?"
Me: "Yes, where did they-"
Teacher: "Ehh!! Raise your hand if you wish to speak!! Yes, little girl?"
Girl: "Where did they go to the bathroom?"
Teacher: "Everyone see out the window?"
(everyone looks out the window)
Us: "All we see is the open ground."
Teacher: "Yup!"
Us: "Eeewwww..."
Sorry we asked...

Here's where they milled...grist...I guess they used grist back then...I dunno.

Ya can't read the sign but it says "Cathouse". I'm assuming this was for cats to sleep in and not for really tiny hookers.

Kid: "Okay, this is like the least fun ride EVER."

From the rollin' hills... the rollin' papers.

Unfortunately, there were no meats that were being smoked...(sigh)...some brisket sure sounded good that day too.
The rest of these are some shots of the cabins themselves.

Well, there ya have it! 200 years of history conveniently located in a single block! Who's ready for a treat?

Mmm, nothing says yum like root beer and cobbler!! See ya next time!!
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